Apr 20Liked by Connecting The Dots

I'm not ignoring this. I didn't know about it, and I don't have TV.

It looks like it's not finished-- I got there just in time to hear that it's over... Until Tues. AM

I'm feeling reasonably sure I can watch this as a non-live viewing? I'll look for it.

The idea is nauseating, anathema, and putrid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Maybe THIS will be the unfolding of the mind fog of Americans.... ???? I bloody hope so.

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Apr 20Liked by Connecting The Dots

Looks like it's over FOUR HOURS... I assume the yays and nays are more or less even?

Can you give a short synopsis? Please!?

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Annnnddd...it passed. No surprise there.

Must keep the MIIC running and all those defense stock- insider trading dollars rolling in, for the majority of our elected leaders voting to keep the funding going.


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Apr 20Liked by Connecting The Dots

I can't "like" this.

Well, they said they were going to destroy America. Looks like it's time to get rid of the PTSB, starting with the ones here in the US...

Shit IS indeed hitting the fan... And gearing up for WAR... great. Or, graaaaaaaaaaaaate.


Let us OM them off their high horses...

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