Oct 3·edited Oct 3Liked by Connecting The Dots

Let's hope this wakes some more people up to the fact that government *can't* save us and can't take care of us. It's impossible. There's a reason none of these agencies are in the constitution. The founders of the Republic knew from experience that government is good at maybe 2 things. Everything else should be left to people and charities. When bad times happen to me and our community, the last thing we do here is ask where the FEMA workers are! My Grandmother learned her lesson during Hurricane Charlie in the early 1990's when she told me it took them 10 days to get water to them. WE have to be the answer. As devastating as this event has been, look at who's already putting things back together and helping each other... it's the people. NOT "the government" . We need to make government obsolete. The way we do that is by rejecting them and learn how to care for ourselves and our communities like it used to be in America.

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Very true.

The maddening part is, during easy times, the masses - on the whole - go back to sleep and to their apathetic ways, no matter what the crisis was. The lessons that were learned by the few, usually are erased in a generation, but most certainly within two.

The rub is getting people to first - give up the Comfort, Convenience and Entertainment, in large enough numbers, within a generation to cripple the system. An example would be dumping social media of all forms or things that are now core elements of daily life - google, microsoft, email.

The masses have been taught generationally, to chase those things that are sold to them as essential and "rights". That's not to say that people should not resist, but they have to understand that until they re-educate enough children, who them become adults that swing things the other way, this will continue. It's simply a question of numbers and capture, which at present tips toward the other side. There is a lot of ground to make up.

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I think most people have NO IDEA that all this is PLANNED, that the previous "disasters" were PLANNED, that America is on a plan to be DESTROYED, and that it's all part of a bigger PLAN to disrupt the entire planet and take out MOST OF WE THE PEEPS.

Well, it's soooo outrageous that I can see why people simply can't go there... Because censorship and bullshit, but also because it's so fricken insane that many of us who DO have a line on it refuse to believe such insanity...

It will be like in the movie "Fourth of July" where the people went to the top of the hotel, on the roof, to WELCOME the aliens, who then blew them all away with DEWS-like weapons.

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