Jun 17Liked by Connecting The Dots

The cherry on the top is that starting a hot war would pave the way for martial law and suspending the Presidential election; ie stopping Trump. That may well set off a civil war,which they'll be happy to have as well....

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Great observation and I wouldn't put it past any of them, given what we've seen in the last year alone.

The scamdemic changed all the rules for these deep staters. It showed them, that they had enough capture (locally & globally) to safely do anything they wanted- out in the open.

The contrast can be seen, if one compares it to the Kennedy era, where it was all covert. Today they know, without a doubt, that there is no need for that.

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Jun 17·edited Jun 17Liked by Connecting The Dots

I still haven't found one person who can give me an actual reason why we are "supposed" to HATE Russia. What have they done to us? Why in the hell can't we just trade with them and leave them alone? I heard "Lindsey Graham" screaming that Ukraine has a lithium and a bunch of other natural resources and "we can't let Russia have it". What? Russia has always had it. Why not let them get these natural resources and we can buy those from them? Ukraine has always been part of Russia in some form or another and it's on Russia's border. NOT OURS. I'm so sick of this. Personally, I don't think most Americans really want this war and could care less about what Russia and Ukraine do. The people are being forced and propagandized into "choosing a side". At this point, I really don't care anymore. If the truth won't wake us up, maybe smoldering cities that will never be livable again will finally get people's attention. Meanwhile... they are killing poultry and cattle for "bird flu" and food prices have almost doubled in the last 4 years...

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Great post Rob. I think many out here share many of the same questions ands sentiments.

IMHO, the answer to your opening statement - They have to get you to hate an "enemy" in order for you to continue granting them power, money and control. In much the same way that the medical profession cannot really have a cure for cancer, lets say - the MIIC cannot have a world at peace.

The justification for both of these sector lies in their ability to sell you the idea that you need their respective expertise, interventions and protection. If there was no political, military or health crisis, then they would be out of a job.

So as you astutely observed "The people are being forced and propagandized into "choosing a side". And that is done through decades of propaganda, fear mongering and direct influencing (think hollyweird).

We have been taught to hate the red menace and any inch they take might as well be 100 miles, closer to our door. So of course we hate Russia.

While I do loathe marxism, socialism and communism, I have no issue with the Russian people per se.

Charles is correct, the cold war should have ended, but it was like a T-Bill - bringing in passive income and escalating forms of control. Notice once the wall fell, then we had a global war on terrorism, that while valid in many respects, paid the MIIC enormous dividends in profit, control and power.

And all the while, as you pointed out, our economy is crashing (prepare for a hard landing with the death of the petro dollar), we have no borders - for the sake of dem votes and we have been infiltrated by foreign actors (thousands on terror watch lists and know S.A. and members - but we are constantly told, the borders across the Atlantic are the ones we need to protect.

The only way this changes, is the people demand a change.

Like him or not, Americans have to get real about what Trump represents. He is the only President, that did not get us into a war, when all were saying he would. In order to put a halt on this runaway train, we need him in office. I could care less if he said "grab 'em by the pussy" or something else. Full transparency, I've said much worse. I don't want him walking on water, if anything, I want him stepping into the political octagon as one of the biggest, baddest hard asses that has his country's best interests and welfare at heart.

That means negotiating, for the best outcome for us. Not dumping trillions into a proxy war, that pushes a nuclear powered political "adversary" to the cliff's edge, where they may only see one way to win.

Off the soap box. Thanks for the comments.

Start talking to your friends about this. The people have to wake up and then speak. Without that, there is no Republic.

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Jun 17·edited Jun 17Liked by Connecting The Dots

The Cold War should have ended more than 30 years ago when the USSR was defeated. NATO, sensing it no longer had a purpose, became a tool of Amerika, spreading our perversion and stupidity around the world. Like Sodom and Gomorrah, the USA will end like Hitler's Germany.

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Jun 16Liked by Connecting The Dots

LOTS of fear-mongering, and whether it's really a serious threat is anybody's guess.

I'd LOVE to see all the PEOPLE simply refuse to fight. We don't HAVE TO...

There's a lot of talk about this, I don't think it's ONLY CO... but hard to say.

All that said, I see the US Govt as a kami-kazi plane just about to crash & burn... Maybe THAT would actually help the global situation, who knows? But since the plan IS to destroy America, it does seem like the Nasties' plan, and WE THE PEOPLE aren't even in the dialogue.

Send Positive Vibes to the Future...

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Unfortunately we never have been in the dialogue and that is always the problem.

I think when you have European countries mobilizing and openly proposing the break-up of Russia, it should be taken seriously, especially when you have actors like Blinkers and Nuland on the world stage openly "setting" policy. When the deep state regime's ass twitches, both their mouths start moving.

You may be right Herder, this could be what it takes to clean house, but there would be a lot of casualties, all around. The only benefactors would be the globalist oligarchs, plutocrats, bureaucrats and their entourage, who would just set up the same shops again.

Say your prayers, the next several months and years are going to be pretty rocky.

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Jun 17Liked by Connecting The Dots

I enjoyed reading your post and I always enjoy reading comments (when a topic is worthy). You neglect to mention what will happen to the USA when Cuba, Venezuela, China, North Korea, (possibly India), Hungary, and many African nations join the BRICS and end the tyranny and aggression of the 4th Reich.

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It wasn't an oversight, but I wanted this post to be about the draft and the plan that was floated in 2023, that I think the regime whole heartedly is running with.

I've made a few comments (longer than they politely should have been) on other posts about about what BRICS will mean and especially now with the death pf the Petro-dollar.

I think few have any idea just how big of a deal that is, to not have the agreement renewed with Saudi Arabia.

The only reason the dollar became the international currency standard was that agreement. I don't blame the Saudis, I would have refused to renew the agreement as well. they see what only we don't - America is turning into a banana republic and is very close to a fall. They like many other countries now, will unhitch themselves from our wagon and we will jostle down the hillside alone and wondering what happened.

A similar thing happened in the 70's with countries pulling their Gold out of Ft. Knox, because they saw us printing money like crazy to the Viet Nam war. They knew it meant ruin for our economy and the larger world economy. that's why Nixon froze the Gold withdraws for a time.

We never learn.

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Jun 17Liked by Connecting The Dots

Yes, I know we've never been in the dialogue, not really, but these days are exceptionally effed up! I listen to Judge Napolitano and his guests, so I'm reasonably up on at least the generalities of what's going on. I do think it's likely that we will have to go through some difficult days, but I don't think all out war is inevitable. I think there's a lot of possibilities in this, but I try not to just DECIDE what the future will be, because it's not written in stone, and I believe we can influence it with HOPE... with our feelings. Mushy pie in sky thinking? Maybe. Maybe not. I do think it's gonna likely be a slog for a while. But since the existence of EARTH itself may hang in the balance, this may be a kind of NEW DAWN, not trying to be overly dramatic, but... maybe it is a Big Deal.

Anyway, I ALWAYS say my prayers, and here's a hug for you. Hope your mom is doing okay, and one for her, too. Cheers. xo

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Thank Herder. I agree prayers are required and nothing is set in stone, but we most certainly should be weary at the very least.

Wiping the board clean could come in many different ways. It won’t always be how or what we expect, in our limited view of the true bigger picture.

Stay well and god bless you Herder.

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Think positive. I certainly don't think we're going to skate into some sunshine-y Utopia... That will be much later! LOTS of work to do first. But we WILL survive, and we WILL prevail. xo xo

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Jun 18Liked by Connecting The Dots

It leaves me to wonder how the American family will respond to their kids and grandkids being sent to fight for a phantom “America” - in the Ukraine or across Europe - all nations now lost to totalitarianism.

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I hold out little hope for a great awakening. You would think this would be the thing that get’s their attention -sending their little trans/woke snowflakes off to war. However, I also thought that about masks, jabs, drag queen story hour, the trans grooming by pervert “teachers”, the men in women’s sports, the drugs pouring across the border, the illegal criminals, murderers and rapists pouring across the border, the inflation and the revelations that the intel community has been literally spying on citizens and targeting them.

But nope…netflix and doordash as usual and nary an grumble from the masses - on the whole.

Here’s the thing and Jesse Kelly did a great job of pointing this out. When the radfems or any woman starts decrying the draft for their daughters - they will have to bear the brunt of their past sins against those daughters, in demanding equality in combat roles. You can’t have it both ways, so now you get to have the whole enchilada.

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Jun 18Liked by Connecting The Dots

Yes and meanwhile alcohol and sugar fly off the shelves of the groceries.

Many now have almost as much space dedicated to these than real food.

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Jun 17Liked by Connecting The Dots


Barsoom-post on the topic of draft, war and what might happen.

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Jun 17Liked by Connecting The Dots

Thanks for posting and thus encouraging conversations.

Recently, I’ve been reading posts on the catastrophic damage caused when human flesh met nuclear bombs, the unspeakable satanic, fatal perversions suffered by children in front of children for the delight of an ‘elite,’ the diabolical nature of advanced weather weaponization and the brutality of Agenda 30 - practicalities such as the driver of millions being displaced in South America and forced to invade the Southern border.

I’m hoping that some of these essays are exaggerated and perhaps designed to demoralise those of us trying to address issues.

Thank goodness that we have access to a magnanimous, infinite and benevolent understanding of our universe and lives within to sustain us through these wicked times.

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Amen and well said Zarayna.

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Jun 17Liked by Connecting The Dots

Thank you!

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Jun 17Liked by Connecting The Dots

During the Russian invasion of Poland in1939, a lingering resentment and hate for Russia was born in Poland. They remain poised to invade their conquerors. America has fomented hatred and confusion around the world by randomly supporting one corrupt government after another. Is it just like a child shaking up bugs in a jar to make them fight or is it the 4th Reich now continuing the war that Hitler started. Too many jingoistic Americans make the mistake of thinking the USA is the "good guy" in this ultimate battle between God and Satan.

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Very true. I think the Fourth Reich is the global deep state and their orchestrators at higher levels - which has little to do with Hitler/Nazi's.

I also think your premise about the jar, fits, as that's how they spark these profit driven wars.

They have many of those jars, that are used on various scales and for various groups, depending on what they want/need to achieve.

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Jun 17Liked by Connecting The Dots

The question any westerner need ask themselves is this:

Am I ready to die for the oligarchs of the USUK and EU?

If you answer no, you know what to do:

Refuse draft/conscription. Refuse to co-operate; as with Covid-lockdowns, it only works if you co-operate. Refuse in numbers, and it fails - and the numbers are there. When you make a stand in public and refuse, you inspire thousands to do the same - that's why they always try to shame you to comply.

Refuse to provide resources to the war-machine.

Be for peace - argue for peace. And ask your opponent if they volunteer - on official legally binding record - to be first over the top. Do it in public.

Be aware, you may lose friends and family and career by doing this. As with Covid, you must weigh that risk and cost against the consequences should the capitalist oligarchs of London, Washington and Brussels have their way.

PS: John Carter (of Postcards from Barsoom) also wrote about this issue, with a wider focus on where are the war-mongers expecting to recruit from. Hope it's okay to mention it? Otherwise, feel free to edit it out of the comment.

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Hi Rikard.

totally agree with you.

Please post the link to John Carter's piece, so others can go check it out. That is never a problem here and is appreciated.

Along with what you said, people need to understand that they have to prepare. Our great grandparents understood the need to always be ready for the hard times or the fall. They had food, resources and knowledge.

We have to be financially and physically prepared. If you owe tens of thousands in CC debt, they will own you and you will cave to their demands. I saw this with many coworkers during the scamdemic. They felt they had to take the shot, to keep a roof over their families head and food on the table. Understandable, but their debt made them a slave. Same goes for your health. If your obese, in poor physical shape (don't work out - or even walk) and then self sabotage with junk food, substances and poor life styles they own you. You have to go to the butchers - because your sick and they have the pill.

Do everything you can to take control of those two areas in your life and you will have power and freedom, when faced with the choices of the last 4 years and those to still come.

Thanks Rikard!

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Jun 17Liked by Connecting The Dots

Being prepared is something alien to far too many people, and somehow I just can't understand why.

I'm not all that old ("north of 50" as the say) but we had nuclear war-drills in school, we had home economics which included "improvised cooking", canning and preserving, foraging and such, we had at least a couple of sessions in biology on what grows up here in the North, how to clean a fish, and so on.

All basic stuff, all part of the curriculum, all normal - the teachers always spoke about war between the US and the USSR as "when", never "if".

And grandma, who escaped Denmark when the Wehrmacht rolled in always had a cupboard stocked with at least 200 cans of various kinds of food.

"For when the war comes", she'd say.

It's strange, I feel in my bones, that so many don't mind being "kept". I may be poor, but I'm free, I'm not starving, I have a family, we own our house - no mortage anymore, all paid off. All it cost us was careers we had come to loathe, living in a city where we no longer woke up from the noise when there were shoot-outs in an apartment one stairwell over, and having to step over rats, refuse and garbage and junkies on the street.

I get the difficulty, I really do - but being free is worth more than money or status, to me at least.

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Jun 17·edited Jun 18Author

This sounds cliche, but it was a different generation then, we saw our parents laboring, then come home tired, happy to have whatever was available to eat, then go to sleep and get up and do it all over again for decades. There were enough left in the local governments, like your and my grandmothers who understood the importance of the lessons.

These days, they are gone and replaced with regime operatives, who teach generation, on a daily basis- live your truth, you make the truth, feelings are the new god, your not responsible, the nice government will feed and house you, America is bad and live for the moment.

They of course want a helpless, addled, and dependent population. They are easier to control than the ones who don't owe anyone money and have guns to defend themselves.

I always say, this effort was started in earnest (making the people dependent, through stuff and distraction of pursuits), just after WW2. The time of leisure, where A/C, refrigerators, washing machines and TV were all anyone could ever have dreamed of.

That's when they started scooping people up, with purpose.

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Jun 17Liked by Connecting The Dots

Link here, and in separate comment, just in case:


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Excellent and thanks!

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Jun 17Liked by Connecting The Dots

I clearly remember the head shop posters with painted flowers on them and the message, "What if they gave a war and nobody came?" It was clever, I suppose, but it did nothing to stop our invasion of Vietnam. The only thing that will stop our invasion of Moscow is the election of a president that is not brainless and demented.

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I absolutely agree Charles. Right now, he is the emergency brake to what the entire government (deep state) is doing.

I also think that trying to avoid the draft will be much trickier now - as most countries people would flee to, are all in on the Globalist plan. You would be scooped up and sent back to obiden before you could spit.

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Jun 17Liked by Connecting The Dots

It is a shame that the military draft ended. Serving in the Army was one of the best things that I ever did. I opposed the war but didn't want to run to Canada to avoid the draft. Everyone with an interest in the matter should compare Amerikan society with that of Israel and Switzerland (where Service is mandatory). In Basic Training, for the first time in my life, I got in shape. I learned discipline and how to make a bed. No one needs discipline more that Gen. Z.

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Words of wisdom. I agree, although I wasn't in the previous draft era, I joined and learned a lot.

The only thing I disagree with on the draft is, they are going to backfill dead Ukrainians with American bullet sponges. It's not even a NATO country and they are rejecting any and all cease fire and peace proposals from Russia- that while doing the exact opposite in the middle east, tells me all I need to know.

Hell, the shifty bastards don't even have the stones to properly declare war, so the American people know why they are being bankrupt and soon to have their sons and daughters 6' under.

Now, if it was an invasion of the home land - I'm all for the draft and would grab the gear I still have and head to the recruiter's office.

But this is obiden and deep state turds like Nuland and Blinkers and their Eurotrash counter parts, that are going to grind as many people as it takes, into dust, so long as they get their profits, votes and land.

However, when it does happen - and it will - then all these little rainbow snowflakes will get to put their money where their mouth is - you want the freedom to be a POS, then fight for it.

We always used to say, the frontlines will always need bullet sponges. Harsh, but true.

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Jun 17Liked by Connecting The Dots

There is only one politician that I trust and that's Rand Paul. He has been screaming into deaf ears for a long time that the Executive Branch hasn't the power to declare war - yet we are always at war.

I would love to see the college babies receiving (for the first time in their lives?) discipline.

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Amen on both counts!!

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