Jun 19Liked by Connecting The Dots

Rome hired teutonic tribesmen as Palatine guards and soldiers (and a lot of other "barbarian" peoples too).

We know how that played out. This will be no different. Blood will out, and blood, kin and faith go before legalistic notions and fantasies such as citizenship.

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This is what happens when you allow a system, government (local or federal), bureaucracy or tyranny to grow beyond your ability to control or kill it.

“And the masses wallowed happily in their netflix, sports, door-dash and entertainment as the lion devoured them”

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Jun 20Liked by Connecting The Dots

Disgusting but true

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I agree Sharon.

It baffles me that everyday men and women keep willingly walking down this path of distraction and resulting destruction.

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Jun 22Liked by Connecting The Dots

They don't understand.

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Jun 28Liked by Connecting The Dots

I just went all the way through the long and nauseating post from Holly about gender "education" in schools... VILE. Not her writing, but the subject matter.

I am commenting here, because unless I PAY HER, I can't comment on Holly's post, which pisses me off! I don't subscribe to anybody's Pay To Comment page. Besides, I'm still dirt poor, lol, so it's moot.

So: It is my suspicion that all this "equality" is actually a very clear PSY-OP, similar to what was done in WWII to youth, to fuck up their minds and pervert their thinking, literally. Sadly, we may not have to resort to this kind of "education" as the jab is going to make a lot of people IMPOTENT and/or unable to CONCEIVE. This is the EVIL we are dealing with. I think the sooner we can wipe them (the Globalist Psychopath Cabal) from our existence, the better... And, NEVER AGAIN.

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Agreed the globalists and progressives- or better said marxists & communists would not be a loss to the world.

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I think that it's an abomination in the making, doing this.

I also think that if we step back and understand (which most people DON'T, I'd say), it would make a kind of horrible logic: IF there is a plan to destroy America, then we can instantly see a shadow side to all sorts of "new ideas" coming down the pike. Not to mention the obvious one of (figuratively speaking,) mooning Putin and flipping him off, practically daring him to nuke us... It seems clear to me that if the muckities want to destroy America, and then MOST of the world's population after that, then these smaller steps start to make more sense... And we should also be aware that "defunding" the police was part of the plan. ALL the shit we're seeing is PART OF THE PLAN, including those death jabs.

CTD, I think you'd be very interested to see these two things... One is just an audio podcast, and maybe you've heard it or what's on it, already. The other is a very very good interview with an author who is quite intelligent and well-spoken, talking about what's been going on... Taken together, a very illuminating couple of hours...

And great post, too, btw.



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