Dec 8, 2023Liked by Connecting The Dots

Absolutely agree. We, citizens, have been living in a fantasy world for generations. They pretend we are the America of the 1700s with a Constitution and Bill of Rights. Just try to use those to protect your rights and your freedoms. And most citizens are still deluded.

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Dec 8, 2023Liked by Connecting The Dots
Dec 9, 2023Liked by Connecting The Dots

You know we’re in trouble when the truth is now “one step away from Nazi propaganda.” Next stop - it IS Nazi propaganda. And it doesn’t seem like we’re too far away from the next stop on the highway to evil. Then the Walmart letters get officially rearranged and it becomes the Martial Law internment camp.

Also, correct me if I’m wrong, but I’m thinking you’re probably *not* asking for a DoorDash gift card for Christmas? Maybe I’m off here but it’s just a little hunch I have.😂😂

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Dec 8, 2023Liked by Connecting The Dots

I take it you are familiar with the Coudenhove-Kalergi plan?

Assuming that, no reason it cannot be applied to North America too.

Furthermore, capitalism isn't tied to a nation or a state, nor to any ideal of being a people or having a creed, a set of ethics (whether divinely constructed or explicitly human-made) or anything like that; it is only concerned with the accumulation of capital any which way, and if that way means turning ethnicity and culture and history into hollowed-out fetishised commodities, business is business.

(After that mouthful, some may think "Oho, a bloomin' commie!" - please don't, since one can point out the dangers and shortfalls of one thing without endorsing or liking the other; a flensing knife to the gut isn't any better than a carving knife to the femoral, yes?)

Communism has the same goal, but in the name of "the dictatorship of the proletariat" and the "control of the means of production": all other loyalties or concerns are either to be declared null and void or turned into propaganda-puppetry for the nomenklatura.

The semantics and the rethorics will of course differ from a cappy or a commie, but the desired end-state is the same: everything that can be owned will be owned and under the control of the same select clique.

Against this, the people - no matter if we mean citizens of a republic as the US or members of a people such as us swedes - have only one option: to unite as the living embodiement of all those labels and terms.

And this is what not only the woke, the ancaps, the neocons and neocommies and the rest of them fear - but what the world outside the West fears too (except China, perhaps): that we will disappear as a civilisation and that the peoples making up the greater western civilisation - the greatest to have ever existed on this planet - will also disappear, washed away in a flood of asians and africans of various origins.

I say they too fear it, because they know deep down that westerners and westerners alone have concepts such as fair trials, laws of war, codes of conduct, and professional integrity and protestan/germanic work ethics - ideals and mores and codes so strong among us we extend them as a courtesy and a given right to all humans.

And if or when we go, those virtues go with us and the non-westerners will then go back to their endless cycles of tribal warfare, chieftains and dynasties, all of it fatalist and circular.

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This is how the current, high-tech (ha ha) people do it. It's been going on since well before the American Revolution, which was kind of a fake thing, run by the Muckities of the time, and they've never stopped. An excellent overall of this kind of behavior can be read in Howard Zinn's "A People's History of the United States," in which he outlines all the fuckery and posing by the wealthy and their government stooges since... the beginning. Sigh.

Great post, and... we shall prevail.

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