Social evolution in action: the species (or race or culture) which ceases to need to struggle, inevitably developes degeneracy and weakness as its highest virtues.

Some civilisations are numerous enough to survive such a collapse and start the long struggle back towards power. Some aren't and will wither away.

It comes down to Will, and Power. It always does.

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Well said!

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That is perverted and disgusting.

That “character” alone is enough to cause nightmares, but the fact that everyone is just fine with it is a sign of the moral level having tanked so incredibly low that people are completely hardened up and oblivious/blind to the horror which is literally staring them in the face.

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100% correct Bender!!

That incremental washing away of the morals, values and norms, you see in that groups of attendees is deafening - and just a drop in the bucket of what is out there.

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Makes me squirm for those kids... (VOMITOUS)

Hi, and hope you and your mom (?) are doing okay. xo

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Thanks Herder.

I think industrial chippers and shredders would befitting for these scumbags.

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Well, yeah, they're genocidal terrorists.

But treating them the way they treat us-- that hurts US.

Rememble when you told me, "don't do it" and helped me? THAT was the right thing, and you helped me come back to Center.

WE don't want to become THEM, just to "teach them a lesson" or "give them what they deserve" etc etc --- I've heard all the arguments, and I UNDERSTAND them, I doooo. I can't get my spirit around torture of the gruesome kind. Stick 'em in a jail cell, sure. Lethal Injection, that seems poetic. Firing squad, even. But no Mussolini stuff! It's like becoming THEM.

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So true.

My former priest used to say that we have to be careful to measure our own morals against God’s morals and not against the world’s morals. He would hold up his hand high where God’s moral level is, and then hold his other hand below that where the world’s moral level is. And he said if we’re measuring ourself against the world and feeling “we’re ok” because we’re above where the world is, well that’s extremely dangerous because as the world’s moral compass drops lower and lower and lower, if our goal is to just stay above the world, then before we know it we’ve also taken a terrible dive. But God’s moral level is unchangeable and that’s what we need to be striving toward.

And here we are with the world’s moral compass having spun into the abyss, and there’s now a gigantic gap between us and them and sadly we can barely even speak the same language anymore.

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And sadly I think that a lot of lukewarm Christians and pastors have been major accomplices in this overwhelming decline of values. (also false pastors and teachers who infiltrated the church) They need to get some chutzpah and stand fiercely on the Word Of God and PREACH THE TRUTH and say NO to the decline of Godly values.

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Yes. ^_^ And for the record, one doesn't need to be Christian, or have ANY affiliation with any group, other than HUMANITY. We are ALL of us born with that inclusion, and that's all we need, and we would do well to stop listening to those who tell us otherwise, and we MUST step in and protect the young from being pulled into darkness and degradation. So saith the dog.

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Jesus Christ, there's nothing lower than a white Progressive.

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This is not "progressive." This is DEGENERATE.

Don't let them destroy our language...

And btw, I had the same response.

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Or as I saw on another post, they're Regressives.

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If we're talking about the same people, that's waaaaaaay too nice a term.

I think there's a downward ladder, climbing down into HELL, and various peeps are on various levels... I like the Heaven ladder better.


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I agree but I have a foul mouth and if I start, it's going to be bad.

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Fuckin A. I donut put no damn restraints on my bitch self. Woof! Shiiiiiit.


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This came to mind, but honestly it's nowhere near as bad as the abomination you linked to.


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Yea, it's benign by comparison.

However, you opened a worm hole to another observation - the hypocrisy of those pushing and supporting the agendas and ideologies behind this deviant shit, posing as the beloved messengers I've spoken about before.

Hollywood is the festering colon where these polyps live and breed.

Chris Evans (you know capt. un-American) is a leftist POS. However, I would say a very good pretender, as he sure captured the disgust with how the "backenders" were manipulated and treated by the elites. Especially since in real life he is a front ender, that supports lgbtFU, obiden, climate change and if I remember correctly, was a big pusher of masks and jabs.

So it's a large and far reaching leftist, perverted ideology and agenda, that goes much deeper than a 250 pound scumbag, drag queen, groomer in a library.

While I've loathed hollywierd for decades, I didn't start crossing actors and movies off my list until they openly derided the masses - who support them - for exercising their god given liberties and freedoms. Since then this evans douche bag and many more are dead to me.

Ok, off the soap box.

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Hear hear! A worthy soapbox, indeed. I feel similarly about generally seperating art from artist until these hivemind Hollywood agitprop dispensers all fell in line to push the large-scale denunciation and destruction of "the proles" haha

The saddest part may be how many of said proles are stil not only supporting these Academy Award avatars of their own destruction, but actively cheering them on!

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Well said!!

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